Annual Meeting         Announcement

Position: University of Cambridge - Faculty of Divinity

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 3308

University of Cambridge

Research Associate

University of Cambridge - Faculty of Divinity

Research Associate x 2 

Fixed-term: The funds for this post are available for 3 years in the first instance.

Research Associates to the Project on 'The Cambridge Platonists at the Origins of Enlightenment: Texts, Debate, and Reception (1650-1730)' (3 year fixed term)

The Faculty of Divinity of the University of Cambridge and the Department of Religion and Theology of the University of Bristol wish to appoint two Research Associates (one based at each institution) to work on this collaborative, cross-institutional project entitled 'The Cambridge Platonists at the Origins of Enlightenment: Texts, Debate, and Reception (1650-1730)'. The project is funded by the AHRC and Dr Douglas Hedley (Cambridge) is the Principal Investigator, with Dr David Leech (Bristol) and Professor Sarah Hutton (York) as Co-Investigators. This will be a 3 year fixed term appointment (salary ?28,982-?37,768 (Cambridge), ?31,656 to ?35,609 (Bristol)), with a start date of 1 September 2016. Candidates, whose research specialism may be in the field of Philosophy, Theology or Religion, should have a degree in a relevant discipline and a doctorate in the field, and will be expected to undertake research on the Cambridge Platonists. The postholders will be based in the Faculty of Divinity (Cambridge) and the Department of Religion and Theology (Bristol) 쩔 one postholder in each institution. The successful candidates will be expected to transcribe and edit 17th century texts and possibly manuscripts. They will be expected to summarise the positions and arguments of particular works. The Research Associates will be expected to produce translations from Latin and French. A knowledge of Greek would also be desirable.

To apply online for this vacancy and to view further information about the role, please visit: This will take you to the role on the University?셲 Job Opportunities pages. There you will need to click on the 'Apply online' button and register an account with the University's Web Recruitment System (if you have not already) and log in before completing the online application form.

Further particulars are available from the Administrative Officer in the Faculty of Divinity (tel: (01223) 763002; e-mail:, and on the Faculty of Divinity's (Cambridge) website, where additional information on the Faculty is available: . Enquiries about both the Cambridge and Bristol posts can also be addressed to him.  Applications should be sent via the on line system to the Administrative Officer (details as above) by 6 June 2016.

Please ensure that you upload your Curriculum Vitae (CV) and a covering letter TOGETHER WITH a full list of research publications, and, if available one recent published research article, in the Upload section of the online application. If you upload any additional documents which have not been requested, we will not be able to consider these as part of your application.

Please quote reference GF09049 on your application and in any correspondence about this vacancy.

The University values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity.


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