Annual Meeting         Announcement

KARS International Conference 2016

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 1811

Conference Call for Papers

Host: The Korean Association for Religious Studies (KARS)

ThemeReligion, Peace and the Unification (of the Two Koreas)

Date: 27-28/05/2016

Place: Kyung-Hee University, Seoul, Korea                 경희대학교?


The Korean Association for Religious Studies is hosting an International conference on the theme of 'Religion, Peace and the Unification of the Two Koreas'. If you are scholars on history, culture, sociology, education, anthropology, politics, religion, or East Asian relationship, we would like to invite your paper. 

If you are interested, please submit your abstract of 150 words by 15/04/2016.


        Contact: Dr David William Kim ( ) 

                      International Coordinator for the KARS
