Annual Meeting         Announcement

Position: Lectureship in Religion and Translation, UK

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 1527

University of Stirling

Interdisciplinary Senior Lectureship in Religion and Translation

University of Stirling - Division of Literature and Languages

Post details

Start date: 1 August 2016 (or by mutual agreement)

The Post

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities seeks to appoint within the Division of Literature and Languages an expert in Religion and Translation and/or Translation Studies, with an emphasis either on 1) Chinese texts (classical or otherwise) and/or Sinology in relation to cultural translation, or 2) a modern European language (including Arabic) in relation to modern European heritage. The post excludes classical or biblical languages.

The position will be anchored in Religion but will also contribute to undergraduate and taught postgraduate teaching in Translation Studies.  The appointee’s specialism in Religion should, therefore, intersect with the theory and practice of translation, with the reading and translation of other language texts into English and vice versa, and with the translation of various modes of thinking and cultural __EXPRESSION__ (religious and otherwise) within the West or between East and West. If expertise is in Chinese, the candidate filling this post would speak Mandarin (either natively, or fluently as a second language) and would have a working knowledge of one or several Chinese religious traditions and their texts (Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism or even Chinese traditional ‘religion’).  They would also have a strong familiarity with Western religious traditions, and be able to demonstrate research interests in East-West relations both historically and present-day.

The university's Strategic Plan 2016-19 sets out our ambitions to grow in terms of postgraduate numbers and research income generation, to increase partnerships and external engagement, and to further develop internationalisation across all our operations.  In accordance with that strategic ambition, the appointee will make a significant contribution to our taught programmes, developing international recruitment and forging new international partnerships.  Furthermore, the appointee will be expected to pursue an ambitious programme of research, including large funding applications and research outputs to a standard appropriate for consideration under the Research Excellence Framework (REF), to recruit and supervise postgraduate research students in their field of expertise, and to assume administrative duties as prescribed by the Head of Division.

Description of Duties

  • Produce research outputs in the field of Religion and Translation at an appropriate level for inclusion in REF.
  • Develop an ambitious research agenda in the field Religion and Translation that can result in research income capture at an appropriate level.
  • Recruit and supervise research postgraduate students.
  • Contribute to undergraduate core modules in Religion and develop research-led optional modules attractive to undergraduate students in both Religion and also our newly formed UG programme in Translation and Interpreting.
  • Supervise undergraduate dissertations in both Religion and Translation.
  • Contribute to teaching and dissertation supervision at Masters level.
  • Assume administrative duties as prescribed by the Head of the Division of Literature and Language as deemed appropriate to the grade and level of experience.

Interviews are expected to take place on Friday 24 June.


